YPS National Salon 2025

General Terms and Conditions

The web-site enforces a maximum limit on number of pictures per section. The participant can remove a picture and upload a different one any time till the last date for submission.


What's New

There are a few things different from the previous salon(s). We encourage you to read the remaining terms and conditions and familiarize yourself.

  • This is an All India Salon and is open only to participants from India.
  • There are no Login IDs to remember. You can login using your email. YPS members can also login using Member ID. If you had participated in the previous Salons, your details will already be there. Please do not create multiple IDs.
  • Pictures will continue to be accepted with a maximum resolution of 1920 pixels on the width and 1080 pixels on the height.
  • In accordance with Para II.8 E of FIAP DOC 040/2023 E “Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon! All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life !”
  • Rules have been modified to disqualify the following types of pictures for this Salon:
    1. Pictures of women/men in partial or full nudity that may be inappropriate for view by people of all ages.
    2. Pictures of bird nests and other similar pictures that may endanger the lives of the subject.
    3. Pictures of animals and birds in captivity.
    4. Pictures already accepted in earlier YPS National and International Salons or pictures similar to the ones already accepted are not allowed to be uploaded to this Salon. To help participants recall their pictures that have been accepted in the past YPS Salons, we have added a facility to view their pictures accepted in YPS Salons since 2016, where they have participated using the same email ID. The final responsibility of adhering to this Rule is with the participant.
    5. The same picture or similar picture cannot be submitted in multiple sections, either in the same format or in a cropped version or in color converted format.

General Terms and Conditions


  • Photographers only from India - Only Photographers from India are allowed to participate in the Salon. An Indian address is required.
  • Persons in the restricted lists - Persons in the restricted lists, that is, lists like 'Red Lists' restricting persons from reporting acceptance, in whichever name they are called, to the organizations that have extended Patronage to this Salon, cannot participate in this Salon.
  • Jury/Salon Committee excluded - Members of the Jury and members of the Salon Organizing Committee shall not participate in the Salon.
  • Only one registration per person - Each person can participate under only one identification. Creating multiple log-ins under different emails of the same person is prohibited.

Registering & Uploading

  • Register with complete and correct details - At the time of registering please make sure that the details entered are complete and correct. YPS will not be responsible for inconveniences caused on account of incorrect details entered while registering.
  • Submission only through website - Only pictures submitted through this website will be considered for the contest. Pictures received through emails or other means will not be considered for the contest. This also applies to print sections. All those submitting prints must upload a digital version of it on the website. A code will be generated while uploading. This should be prominently written on the back of the print. Prints received without an upload to the website and pictures that were uploaded under print sections on the website for which prints were not received till the last date for submission will not be judged.
  • Upload under correct sections - It is the responsibility of the participants to upload the photographs under the correct section. Photographs not matching the section under which they are uploaded will be disqualified during judging. Please verify the sections after uploading to make sure that you have uploaded under the correct sections. The Salon website offers features to remove an uploaded picture and upload the same under another section at any time till the last date for submission. If there is a doubt about whether a picture will qualify under a section, please refer to the definition of the sections available on this website.

Uploading pictures that qualify

  • JPEG files in sRGB color gamut - The pictures uploaded should be in JPEG format. The projection/display equipment used during judging is calibrated to display pictures in sRGB gamut correctly. Please make sure that the color profile of your pictures is sRGB.
  • Maximum width 1920 pixels, Maximum height 1080 pixels - Pictures should not exceed 1920 pixels on the width and should not exceed 1080 pixels on the height. Maximum File Size per picture is limited to 4 MB. The dimensions are checked at the time of uploading. Non-conforming pictures will not be uploaded. Pictures will be projected in 100% resolution. Pictures in lower resolution will appear smaller.
  • Correct Orientation - Pictures will be displayed in the same orientation in which it was uploaded. Hence please correct the orientation and resize it before uploading.
  • No identification marks on the picture - The picture should not contain any added text/image that shows the title, name, logo or other forms of watermark on the face of the picture.
  • Enter Complete and Correct particulars about picture - Please make sure that the Title and other details required while uploading a picture, are entered properly. The system allows you to edit the Title at any time till the last date for submission.
  • Title Length - Picture Title cannot exceed 35 characters in length.
  • Using Consistent Titles - Salon Patronage organizations expect participants to use the same title for a picture in all the salons in which they participate so that they can count the number of acceptances for awarding honors. In this connection, please note that most organizations treat a monochrome image and a color image from the same capture are considered the same image and the title also must be the same.
  • Post-processing and subject fitment - Please refer to descriptions of individual sections for understanding subject matter fitment and restrictions on post-processing.
  • DPI does not matter - It does not matter what the DPI setting of your picture is. Any value should be fine.
  • NO NUDES - This Salon does not accept pictures that contain women/men in partial or full nudity that are not appropriate for view by people of all ages.
  • Validate Print-readiness - Award winning pictures will be on display at the Salon Exhibition. If you want your picture to be displayed at the exhibition, you should be in a position to upload pictures with more than 3000 pixels on the long side when requested.
  • Upload well ahead of the last date - Please update the pictures well ahead of time. YPS will not be responsible for the inability of the participant to upload pictures before the last date for submission. YPS will not entertain any claim for a refund of the entry fee on the grounds of inability to upload before the last date.
  • Pictures already accepted in YPS Salons are not eligible - Pictures that have already been accepted in the past YPS National and International Salons are not eligible to be submitted again on this Salon. The rule applies irrespective of the title under which it was submitted or the category under which it was submitted. Participants will be required to confirm this while uploading. To help participants recall their pictures that have been accepted in the past YPS Salons, we have added a facility to view their pictures accepted in YPS Salons since 2016, where they have participated using the same email ID. The final responsibility of adhering to this Rule is with the participant.
  • Same picture cannot be submitted under multiple sections - A picture can be submitted only under one section in the salon. A picture cannot be submitted under multiple sections either in its original size and color or in cropped format or in color-converted format.

Publishing Results

  • Jury Panel has the final say - The decision of the Panel of Judges is final and binding with respect to the selection of pictures for awards. No further appeal questioning the correctness of decisions will be entertained.
  • Website will display results - This Salon website will be the primary channel for the release of results followed by emails to all the winners.
  • Digital Catalog - Youth Photographic Society will issue a Digital Exhibition Catalog to all entrants. The same can be downloaded from the website. YPS will not be printing physical catalogs to save paper and trees.

Legal Requirements & Disclaimers

  • Pictures must originate as Photographs - All entries submitted must have originated as photographs. That is, images of subjects are captured via light sensitivity on photographic emulsion or are captured digitally using camera equipment. All final work submitted must be on electronic file. None of the sections in this salon accepts pictures entirely created using computer software.
  • Originality & Ownership - By submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his/her own (aliases and proxies are not permitted). In the case of composite images created from multiple photographs, all photographic components used in the composite image must have been photographed by the entrant and the entrant must hold copyright for all the components included in the picture.
  • Right to use - The entrant permits Youth Photographic Society to reproduce all or part of any of the photographs entered for the contest, free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to any activities of Youth Photographic Society.
  • Misuse - While YPS takes all precautions to prevent misuse of pictures submitted to the Salon, YPS assumes no responsibility related to any misuse of pictures in violation of the copyright held by the owner.

Non-Compliance with Salon Terms and Conditions

  • If the exhibition determines before, during, or after the judging that an entrant has submitted entries where one or more images fail to comply with these Conditions of Entry, including the stated definitions, the Salon Committee reserves the right and discretion to delete the entry from the exhibition and void any or all acceptances or awards. Fees may be forfeited in these circumstances.
  • In order to ensure that images comply with the Conditions of Entry and definitions, the exhibition may carry out checks on the images to verify:
    1. The images are the original work of the entrant, and
    2. The images comply with the rules and definitions as set out in these Conditions of Entry.
  • This may involve asking the entrant to provide originally captured image(s), with EXIF data intact, or other information by a set deadline. Failure to produce the required image(s) or information within the deadline may be considered in breach of the Conditions of Entry. Pictures failing to comply with these requirements may be removed from the Salon.
  • Entrants are asked to provide express and specific consent to conform to the Terms and Conditions of the Salon. Lack of knowledge of the Salon Terms and Conditions will not be accepted as an excuse. Participants can write to salon@ypsbengaluru.in for any clarifications on the Terms and Conditions.

Section Definitions

Section Definitions and Rules

Maximum Pictures per Entry : 4


Definitions & Rules

This is a COLOR OPEN SECTION that accepts pictures in full or partial colour covering any subject other than Monochrome, Nature and Travel which are covered under respective sections.

The pictures may be of any genre such as Portraits, Pictorial or Landscape. Please consult the list of awards to select your pictures to submit.

Digital creation pictures are allowed under this section provided they conform to the condition that the entry must have one or more elements that have originated as photographs. All elements of the image must have been shot by the author. No part of the image should have been taken from Net or other person's image. Use of some filters available on net is permissible.

Submission of same images either colour or mono in two different section of the same Salon will result in disqualification for both the images.

Monochrome Grayscale images (that is without tone) may not be entered in COLOR OPEN section.

In accordance with Para II.8 E of FIAP DOC 040/2023 E “Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon! All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life !”

Maximum Pictures per Entry : 4


This is a MONOCHROME OPEN section that accepts Grayscale and Toned Grayscale images fitting the following definitions.

An image is considered to be Monochrome only if it gives the impression of having no color (i.e. contains only shades of grey which can include pure black and pure white) OR it gives the impression of being a greyscale image that has been toned in one color across the entire image. (For example by Sepia, red, gold, etc.) A greyscale or multi-colored image modified or giving the impression of having been modified by partial toning, multi-toning or by the inclusion of spot coloring does not meet the definition of monochrome and shall be classified as a Color Work.

Digital creation pictures are allowed under this section provided they conform to the condition that the entry must have one or more elements that have originated as photographs. All elements of the image must have been shot by the author. No part of the image should have been taken from Net or other person's image. Use of some filters available on net is permissible.

Monochrome Grayscale images (that is without tone) may not be entered in Color Open sections. Grayscale images may be entered in Nature and Travel sections, but toned images are not permitted under Nature and Travel sections.

Submission of same images either colour or mono in two different section of the same Salon will result in disqualification for both the images.


In accordance with Para II.8 E of FIAP DOC 040/2023 E “Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon! All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life !”

Maximum Pictures per Entry : 4


Nature photography is restricted to the use of the photographic process to depict all branches of natural history, except anthropology and archeology, in such a fashion that a well-informed person will be able to identify the subject and certify its honest presentation.

  • The story telling value of a photograph must be weighed more than the pictorial quality while maintaining high technical quality.
  • Human elements shall not be present, except where those human elements are integral parts of the nature story such as nature subjects, like barn owls or storks, adapted to an environment modified by humans, or where those human elements are in situations depicting natural forces, like hurricanes or tidal waves.
  • Scientific bands, scientific tags or radio collars on wild animals are permissible.
  • Photographs of human created hybrid plants, cultivated plants, feral animals, domestic animals, or mounted specimens are ineligible, as is any form of manipulation that alters the truth of the photographic statement.
  • No techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove pictorial elements except by cropping are permitted. Conversion to infrared, either by digital technique or by original technique is not allowed. Stitching of two or more image is not permitted.
  • Techniques that enhance the presentation of the photograph without changing the nature story or the pictorial content, or without altering the content of the original scene, are permitted including HDR, focus stacking and dodging/burning.
  • Techniques that remove elements added by the camera, such as dust spots, digital noise, and film scratches, are allowed. It is perfectly legal to remove dust, flares or digital noise. Minor global colour / tone correction is OK as long as it is not selective and the final image looks natural but not dramatic. Dodge and Burn tool is for you only but use it judiciously. Selective darkening of background is prohibited. Techniques like panning, slow shutter speed or in-exposure zooming are part of your creativity. Use of filters like Polarizers and NDs are ok.
  • Stitched images are not permitted.
  • Drone Photography in the National Parks of India is illegal except with prior written permission from the concerned authorities. Drone images of Wild animals will be disqualified.
  • Color images can be converted to greyscale monochrome. But partial/complete toning is not allowed.
  • Infrared images, either direct-captures or derivations, are not allowed.
  • Welfare of the subject is extremely important. Use of live bait is totally prohibited. Nest images are not allowed.

Images entered in Nature sections meeting the Nature Photography Definition above can have landscapes, geologic formations, weather phenomena, and extant organisms as the primary subject matter. This includes images taken with subjects in controlled conditions, such as zoos, game farms,botanical gardens, aquariums and any enclosure where the subjects are totally dependent on man for food.

Grayscale images (that is without complete or partial toning) may be entered in Nature section.


In accordance with Para II.8 E of FIAP DOC 040/2023 E “Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon! All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life !”

Maximum Pictures per Entry : 4


A Photo Travel image expresses the characteristic features or culture of a land as they are found naturally. There are no geographical limitations. The following restrictions apply to pictures submitted under the TRAVEL Section:

  • Images of individuals or groups must show their environment or location.
  • The image should not be a SET-UP image and it should not be a directed image. Images from events or activities arranged specifically for photography, or of subjects directed or hired for photography are not permitted. It should not be from a PHOTO WORKSHOP where a troupe dances for the workshop organizer or HORSES are made to run in dust or water or an individual shows his acrobatics on payment of a fee.
  • Many monasteries have religious festivals with dances etc and it is perfectly legal to submit such images though you may have paid an entry fee. The same is true for ballet and other stage shows. These are public performances and are not arranged specifically for a group of photographers.
  • Techniques that add, relocate, replace, or remove any element of the original image, except by cropping, are not permitted. The only allowable adjustments are the removal of dust or digital noise, restoration of the appearance of the original scene, and complete conversion to greyscale monochrome. Other derivations, including infrared, are not permitted. Stitching of two or more images is not permitted. All images must look natural.
  • Complete conversion to greyscale Monochrome is allowed but without partial or complete toning.
  • Drone photography is permitted if it is permissible at the locations where the picture was shot.


In accordance with Para II.8 E of FIAP DOC 040/2023 E “Pictures created by artificial intelligence are not allowed in this salon! All parts of the image have to be photographed by the author who is holding the copyright of all works submitted. Offenders will be sanctioned for life !”

To Sign up, enter your Email ID (or YPS Member ID for YPS Members) and click on the [Register as new User] button.

NOTE: YPS Members should click on this YPS Password Reset Link to reset password.

Become a YPS Member

Picture Awards


FIP Medal
1 Rs. 5000.00/-

In memory Smt. Suman Narayan

Sponsored by Mr. Yogesh Mokashi 1

YPS Gold
1 Rs. 3000.00/-

In memory of Smt. P Suvarna

Sponsored by Mr. Rajashekar H K 1

YPS Silver
1 Rs. 2000.00/-
YPS Bronze
1 Rs. 1500.00/-

In memory of Smt. P Suvarna

Sponsored by Mr. Rajashekar H K 1

YPS Young Talent Award
FIP Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

In memory of Shri.M Ananthamurthy

Sponsored by Mr. Girish Ananthamurthy 1

In memory of Smt. Nagarathna

Sponsored by Mr. Girish Ananthamurthy 1

Sponsored by Mr. Abdul Sadiq Pasha 2

In Memory of Parents

Sponsored by Dr. PRADEEP GCM 1

YPS Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

In memory of Smt. Susheelamma Anantharamu

Sponsored by Mr. K A Suryaprakash 5

FIP Medal
1 Rs. 5000.00/-

In memory of Smt Rajalakshmi Subbarao Hegde

Sponsored by Mr. K S Rajaram, AFIAP, Hon. FIP, Hon.YPS 1

YPS Gold
1 Rs. 3000.00/-

In memory of Mayur Polepalli

Sponsored by Mr. Chandrashekar Srinivasamurthy, AFIAP 1

YPS Silver
1 Rs. 2000.00/-

In memory of Smt. Shashikala

Sponsored by Mr. Ramesh Hoskote 1

YPS Bronze
1 Rs. 1500.00/-

In memory of Sri. R S Badrinath

Sponsored by Mr. Rajashekar H K 1

YPS Young Talent Award

Sponsored by Mr. Suryakant Sajjan 1

FIP Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

In memory of Smt. Susheelamma Anantharamu

Sponsored by Mr. K A Suryaprakash 2

In memory of Sri. C Ramachandra Rao

Sponsored by Ms. Lakshmishree M R 3

YPS Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. C R Sathyanarayana, EFIAP, ARPS, FICS, HON.FPS 2


FIP Medal
1 Rs. 5000.00/-

In memory of Sri T N A Perumal

Sponsored by Mr. K M B Prasad 1

YPS Gold
1 Rs. 3000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Prasanna Venkatesh G, ARPS, EFIAP 1

YPS Silver
1 Rs. 2000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Prasanna Venkatesh G, ARPS, EFIAP 1

YPS Bronze
1 Rs. 1500.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. KRISHNAMURTHY G.S 1

YPS Young Talent Award

Sponsored by Bhoomi IVF Centre

Sponsored by Dr. Jayadev Basappa 1

FIP Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Prasanna Venkatesh G, ARPS, EFIAP 2

In memory of Sri. C Ramachandra Rao

Sponsored by Ms. Lakshmishree M R 2

Sponsored by Mr. Venkatesh B S 1

YPS Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Prasanna Venkatesh G, ARPS, EFIAP 3

Sponsored by Mr. C R Sathyanarayana, EFIAP, ARPS, FICS, HON.FPS 1

Sponsored by Mr. Vinod Kumar V K 1

FIP Medal
1 Rs. 5000.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 1

YPS Gold
1 Rs. 3000.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 1

YPS Silver
1 Rs. 2000.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 1

YPS Bronze
1 Rs. 1500.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 1

YPS Young Talent Award

In Memory of Dr Sandhya Ram

Sponsored by Dr. Shankar Ram Hemmanur 1

FIP Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 5

YPS Honorable Mention
5 Rs. 1000.00/-

Sponsored by Ms. Anitha Mysore 5

Individual Awards

Best Entrant Award
1 Rs. 2000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Mahesh Viswanadha 1

Club Awards

Best Club Award
1 Rs. 5000.00/-

Sponsored by Mr. Mahesh Viswanadha 1


YPS President: Mr. Manju Vikas Sastry V, ESFIP, AFIP | sastry.vikas@gmail.com"
YPS Secretary: Ms. Prema Kakade, EFIAP, EFIP, cMoL, E.CPE | pmkakade@gmail.com

Youth Photographic Society Bengaluru
TT Hall, 3rd Floor,
State Youth Centre of Karnataka,
Nrupathanga Road, Bengaluru - 560001.
Email: salon@ypsbengaluru.in
Phone: +91-9513-YPS-BLR (+91-9513-977-257)

Become a Member of YPS

Youth Photographic Society

Youth Photographic Society (YPS) Bengaluru, the hosts for this contest, is a not-for-profit organization started in 1971 to further the Art of Photography. With over 600 members, YPS is among the largest Photography Clubs in India and also boasts of hosting 50 National and International Salons. It has been nurtured by doyens of Indian Photography like Late Mr. T N A Perumal, Late Mr. E Hanumantha Rao and Late Mr. C Rajagopal. The club conducts regular slide-shows on every first and third Saturday of the month, alongside exhibitions and workshops, for the benefit of its members.

© YPS 2016. Terms & Conditions | Design & Developed by YPS Bangalore in consultation with www.imcanny.com