YPS National Salon 2025



YPS President: Mr. Manju Vikas Sastry V, ESFIP, AFIP | sastry.vikas@gmail.com"
YPS Secretary: Ms. Prema Kakade, EFIAP, EFIP, cMoL, E.CPE | pmkakade@gmail.com

Youth Photographic Society Bengaluru
TT Hall, 3rd Floor,
State Youth Centre of Karnataka,
Nrupathanga Road, Bengaluru - 560001.
Email: salon@ypsbengaluru.in
Phone: +91-9513-YPS-BLR (+91-9513-977-257)

Become a Member of YPS

Youth Photographic Society

Youth Photographic Society (YPS) Bengaluru, the hosts for this contest, is a not-for-profit organization started in 1971 to further the Art of Photography. With over 600 members, YPS is among the largest Photography Clubs in India and also boasts of hosting 50 National and International Salons. It has been nurtured by doyens of Indian Photography like Late Mr. T N A Perumal, Late Mr. E Hanumantha Rao and Late Mr. C Rajagopal. The club conducts regular slide-shows on every first and third Saturday of the month, alongside exhibitions and workshops, for the benefit of its members.

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